About me

My option on BREXIT:

What can I say, I liked it so much I exited (the UK) early.

For those who don't know me:-

I'm Steve, 50 living in Castletroy, Co Limerick, Ireland. Until June 2018 I lived in Maidstone, Kent, UK for over 16 years.

I work as a software engineering team leader for a medical devices company, they make the best selling Infusion pumps, in many countries in the world.

I’m a member of Institution of Engineering and Technology IET, formerly the known as the IEE, which granted me Chartered Engineer Status a few years ago.

Outside of Work

When I’m not working, I’m a keen photographer, taking mainly landscapes and close ups.

I live with two female cats called Kafka and Flo, which I adopted from Cat Protection in 2007.

While in the UK

Until I left the UK I was a member of

1) National Trust and like to visit (and photograph) there properties.

2) an activities club called SPICE, which arranges events from the monthly pub night, meals, walks through to fire walking and eating, via tank driving and wing walking.  See the linked pages for more details.